《芝加哥论坛报》2010年8月3日头条:核工厂遭辐射工人仍未获得赔偿 奥巴马在任参议员时曾称那些在核武工厂遭到辐射伤害的工人为“冷战老兵”,并承诺帮助他们获得赔偿。但是直至今日,许多在BLOCKSON化学工厂工作的工人和幸存者仍未能获得赔偿,尽管美国2000年为向那些遭到高强度辐射伤害或者未得到足够保护措施的工人设立了一个赔偿基金。 Workers exposed to radiation await compensation Four years ago, then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama called them "veterans of the Cold War" and pledged to help them receive compensation。 But today, many former workers at Blockson Chemical Co. in Joliet and their survivors still have not been paid from a fund created in 2000 to make amends for exposing the workers to high levels of radiation without telling them or providing adequate protection. (节选部分) 注:文章内容仅作为业务参考 不作为消息源(来源:新浪网) |